December 10, 2005

World War II. Pfc. George E. Neidhardt,
with 9th Army in Germany, opens a
holiday package sent from his home. Dec 44

Many people think that sending a present once a year is
Christmas. In my eyes Christmas is the birth of Jesus.
Every year, first thing in the morning my mother has my
brother and I say "Happy Birthday Jesus," and my mother
has us children watch The Birth of Jesus Movie. Christmas
is also to be with family - caring, sharing and loving and
just being happy and being together. But one needs to carry
that out all year through. Love, sharing, caring, keeping in
touch with loved ones all year through. I believe it is Jesus's way
to keep the spark lighting with Love, Joy, Peace, happiness, and Hope.
~Tiffani (10) Arizona~


By Arnts, Leisha

Lights, carols, crowded stores,
It's my favorite time of year,
Despite the cold.
I listen to a little girl,
Whining at her mother.
Two boys get in a fight
Over who deserves more presents.
As I sit and watch all this,
I can't help but wonder,
Where is the true meaning of Christmas?
Has everyone forgotten
Why we're celebrating?
Images of a little baby
Sleeping, in a barn,
Flood my mind.
A young man,
In the prime of his life,
Hanging on a cross,
So I can go to heaven.
But in their hurry
To get shopping done
And all the decorations up;
Everyone seems to have forgotten.
They have forgotten the pain
A man went through,
Hundreds of years ago.
In all their greed and materialism,
People have taken the "Christ"
Out of Christmas
And the "Holy"
Out of holiday.
If people would just slow down
And stop a moment to think,
Maybe they would realize
That Jesus truly is
The reason for the season.


song playing....O Night Divine


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