Below are some excerpts taken from Thomas Kinkade's book Simpler Times:

Conversation, too, is what I imagine going on behind the glowing windows in my paintings. Lively conversation--about books, about old movies, about hopes and dreams, about the many blessings God gives us. Conversation can occupy a whole evening. Conversation where people's lives touch in a meaningful way.

My constant prayer is that my work will inspire others with a vision of how good life can be. And time and time again, God has graciously given me evidence of the fruits of my labor.

It's no secret that human beings can find healing and restoration through contact with nature. It's no secret that growing things soothe the mind, that wild things uplift the soul, that rocks and hills and trees do something undefinable but positive for the spirit.

Contrary to popular opinion, romance is not a relationship--although it can add fullness and spice and excitement to a connection between two people. Romance is not hearts and flowers and violins, although an evening of hearts and flowers and strings can be soaringly romantic. Romance is instead an attitude, a set of habits, a way of encountering the world. You are a romantic when experience is a priority for you, when you are willing to invest time and energy into making your experience more vivid and memorable.

In a way, romance is an affirmation and a celebration of the simplest, most important things in life. We romance our lives when we take time to look at each other, to appreciate our experience and our loved ones, to really live our own lives. Romancing one's life is the most personal of pursuits. It will always reflect the specific interests and talents of the people involved. 

Your own romantic language will consist of whatever brings you pleasure, whatever makes you feel alive, whatever makes you feel safe and loved, whatever is most uniquely you. These are the experiences you can savor, the experiences that strengthen your connections to the people you love and to your own heart and soul.

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