September 7, 2002

I didn't have any plans. I just think, you know, you've got way too many rules workin' for ya and way too many rules workin' against me....Playing by Heart.

Yeah, he's talkin' about the same girl as in the earlier quotes....but it could have been me. You all know I love Leo Buscaglia. He says love is a choice....and many other quotes say we cannot choose who loves us, but we can choose whose love we accept. But I still like the quote below from Party of 5.

You don't get to choose, you just fall in love. And you get this person who is all wrong and all right at the same time. And you know that you love them so much except sometimes they just drive you completely insane and no one can explain it and the reason its so confusing is because its love. But if love didn't have any challenges, what would be the point?....Party of 5.


song playing....Somebody's Gonna Love You


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