Our Soldiers' Cause

By Wes Stephenson

I watched a documentary
Filmed in ancient black and white
About the world at war in Europe
And our men who went to fight
And I saw in vivid color
As I learned how many died
The faces of each mother
Who for soldier son had cried
And I felt with them a tragic loss
For men I'd never met
Who'd given up their very lives
For something greater yet
I wondered what that something was
As the show went off the air
And the TV station said goodnight
As that song began to blare 
America the Beautiful
Began to raise it's strains
Of purple mountain majesties
And amber waves of grain
And I concurred with every word
From sea to shining sea
How truly grand my native land
Has always looked to me
But then I thought, It's surely not
Of near sufficient worth
To trade the blood of heroes loved
For a scenic piece of earth 
No, I'd have to say I'd wager
If the dead could tell their tales
And reveal to us their vision
Yes, that dream that never fails
If they showed us what they died for
What made them take their stand
We'd find that their America
Was more than just the land 
This nation is a people
Who may live a life of choice
A band of individuals
Who can stand and raise a voice
Who somehow stand united
Under God-inspired laws
Which guard our precious freedoms
And give our soldiers cause
To bravely face the bayonets
And fight on though they bleed
That future children all may choose
The lives they'd like to lead 
Ah, it's interesting to ponder...
And wonder what you'd find
If you could know the guiding thought
Within the martyr's mind
I'm sure he missed the lovely scenes
That fill this gorgeous land
But I'll bet it was for FREEDOM'S cause
He made his final stand


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