October 2, 2002

"Wannamaker needs a 'youseetimmy.'"
"A what???" 
"A 'youseetimmy.'" 
"What language is that?" 
"At the end of every episode of Lassie, Timmy's mom sat him down and said 'You see Timmy' and she'd teach him a little lesson."
"I can't believe I'm listening to this."
"Well, it always worked, it was always hopeful. It always had heart. And you know, that's what his voters are waiting for. They just wanna see if he's got anything going on inside"....Speechless.

"Youseetimmy"....that's sooo sweet. And how wonderful that it made such an impact on the writer of Speechless.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom....Charles Dickens.


song playing....All Shook Up


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