November 21, 2003

Let every nation know, 
whether it wishes us well or ill, 
we shall pay any price, 
bear any burden, meet any hardship, 
support any friend, oppose any foe, 
to assure the survival
and success of liberty. 
~John F. Kennedy~ 

Patriotic divider bar

Cowardice asks the question, 
"Is it safe?" 
Expediency asks the question, 
"Is it politic?." 
Vanity asks the question, 
"Is it popular?." 
But, conscience asks the question, 
"Is it right?." 
And there comes a time 
when one must take a position that is 
neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, 
but one must take it 
because one's conscience 
tells one that it is right. 
~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.~


song playing....Moonlight Bay


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