Photo taken in the United Arab Emirates posted courtesy of Akhilesh Sharma

June 7, 2002

"Action springs out of what we fundamentally desire....and the best piece of advice which can be given to would-be persuaders, whether in business, in the home, in the school, in politics, is: First arouse in the other person an eager want. He who can do this has the whole world with him"....Harry Overstreet, taken from the book How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

This is sooo true about love. Since sharing the quotes and stories I have learned that everyone basically desires to be loved....and arousing an eager want for love seems to be a good start. Sometime in your quest for love, however, you will be like me and realize you have to do something first....or you will miss all the love that is being showered upon you. Like freedom, love and friendship are not free, they require unconditional giving :-)  Not an easy thing :-)

The following is taken from Dale Carnegie's Scrapbook....

"Look where we will, we find the hand in time and history, working, building, inventing, bringing civilization out of barbarism. The hand symbolizes power and the excellence of work. The mechanic's hand, that ministers of elemental forces, the hand that hews, saws, cuts, builds, is useful in the world equally with the delicate hand that paints a wildflower or molds a Grecian urn, or the hand of a statesman that writes a law, the eye cannot say to the hand, 'I have no need of thee.' Blessed be the hand! Thrice blessed be the hands that work!"....Helen Keller.

I find it easier to work when I have something to work for. I have never really needed basic needs have always been met. I usually start to desire something and so I do begin to work towards getting that. Whether it is some "thing" I can actually buy or something I need to accomplish....I am driven by desire :-) Like I have said with this website....I desire to share in hopes of sharing a little encouragement, and ultimately a little happiness....


song playing....I Would Walk 500 Miles


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