Photo of Missouri

June 5, 2002

"I deal with the obvious. I present, reiterate and glorify the obvious--because the obvious is what people need to be told"....Dale Carnegie.

The obvious is what I need to be told....but it doesn't always alter the end result....just because I know something doesn't make me desire to do that. I do feel as if I can easily tell someone else what THEY need to do :-) which only serves to get me in trouble....

The following is taken from Dale Carnegie's Scrapbook....

"You can tell a man he is wrong by a look or an intonation or a gesture just as eloquently as you can in words--and if you tell him he is wrong, do you make him want to agree with you? Never! For you have struck a direct blow at his intelligence, his judgment, his pride, his self-respect. That will make him want to strike back. But it will never make him want to change his mind. You may then hurl at him all the logic of a Plato or an Immanuel Kant, but you will not alter his opinion, for you have hurt his feelings"....Dale Carnegie.

Well, I don't know how well I do at presenting and glorifying the obvious to me....which is be honest and kind and respectful online....but I seem to have the reiterate down to a "T"!!!  And as I said at the beginning of this plan is to keep on sharing.  My feelings towards the Internet have changed drastically since I think maybe last August.  I shared my feelings with Michael at the onset just a guest, but soon after we met, he became a friend.  Michael loves the internet and works to perfect voice over IP. He understood my feelings....but he also said something to me which has come to mean so much to me.  As a friend, he supported me and even said he would march with me. Carry a picket sign, whatever....but he wanted me to hear him.  He loves the Internet.  It is a wonderful tool. He is always connected....for work, communication with friends and loved ones, convenience for news or ordering pizza.  His computer is truly his link to the outside world. And what he said to me was...."A man is who he is....whether online or in real life. We are who we are, and if a guy is going to be unfaithful he is going to be is all in his character.  You need to be able to trust people.  And trust is earned."  I have since realized the significance of Michael's words....and see that I needed to see that online and real life really are the same. We are who we are. Michael's words have had a wonderful impact on my life.  I have stopped excusing things away with the words...."only online" :-)


song playing....Anywhere Is


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