Photo taken in the United Arab Emirates posted courtesy of Akhilesh Sharma

June 4, 2002

"You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you"....taken from How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

Yeah....but, I am learning there are the friends we try to make and the friends who are striving to win our is often not the same people. So I have checked the title of the book again and realized it is How To Win Friends & Influence People. It really doesn't say how to "be" a friend....there seems to be a difference....

The following is taken from Dale Carnegie's Scrapbook....

"There is only one person who can cure someone of self-consciousness, and that is himself. I know of no other handicap the cure for which can be written in so few words--'Forget yourself.' When you are feeling shy, timid, self-conscious, put your mind on something else immediately. If you are speaking, forget everything but the subject. Never mind what others are thinking of you or your delivery: Just forget yourself and go ahead"....Dale Carnegie.

So many people have said to me...."I can't talk to the people who I am closest to." This is sooo sad.  One of my favorite quotes is by J. Isham...."Listening is an attitude of the heart, a genuine desire to be with another which both attracts and heals."  This reinforces what Dale Carnegie said....because when we talk, someone is listening. So "forget yourself and go ahead" :-)


song playing....Please Forgive Me


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