Photo of Missouri

June 20, 2002

"First ask yourself: What is the worst that can happen? Then prepare to accept it. Then proceed to improve on the worst"....Dale Carnegie.

My imagination has always been a little lacking....I have never been able to actually envision how bad it has sometimes been!!! They say we can't see the future for that very would "frighten us to death"!!! And as with me....I expected good things from my computer years ago....not realizing how much it all depended on me. I have finally realized that I was the problem....and therefore, I hold the key to my happiness :-) Whether online or offline....I can tell you I am not an ecstatically happy person in general....but I am very content with my life. I believe the future holds many wonderful things as well as some sadness...I've learned that to be happy we need both....I'm glad I can't see the worst!!!

The following is taken from Dale Carnegie's Scrapbook....

"As a child I grew up on a Missouri farm; and one day, while helping my mother pit cherries, I began to cry. My mother said, 'Dale, what in the world are you crying about?' I blubbered, 'I'm afraid I am going to be buried alive!' I was full of worries in those days. When thunderstorms came, I worried for fear I would be killed by lightning. When hard times came, I worried for fear we wouldn't have enough to eat. I worried for fear I would go to hell when I died. I was terrified for fear an older boy, Sam White, would cut off my big ears--as he threatened to do. I worried for fear girls would laugh at me if I tipped my hat to them. I worried for fear no girl would ever be willing to marry me. I worried about what I would say to my wife  immediately after we were married. I imagined that we would be married in some country, and then get in a surrey with fringe on the top and ride back to the farm....but how would I be able to keep the conversation going on that ride back to the farm? How? How? I pondered over that earth-shaking problem for many an hour as I walked behind the plow. As the years went by, I gradually discovered that 99 per cent of the things I worried about never happened"....Dale Carnegie.

It's a good thing my childhood fears never happened....they were more along the lines of a mass murderer breaking in and well....have you seen the movie "Scream"???  Yeah, that might just about describe it!!! 


song playing....Another Day in Paradise


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