Hardy D. Jackson

Above all, be true to yourself, 
and if you cannot put your heart in it, 
take yourself out of it. 
~Hardy D. Jackson~ 

Holbrook Jackson

A large, still book is a piece of quietness, 
succulent and nourishing in a noisy world, 
which I approach and imbibe 
with "a sort of greedy enjoyment," 
as Marcel Proust said of those rooms 
of his old home whose air was 
"saturated with the bouquet of silence." 
~Holbrook Jackson~

The time to read is any time: 
no apparatus, no appointment of time and place, 
is necessary. It is the only art 
which can be practiced at any hour 
of the day or night, whenever the time 
and inclination comes, 
that is your time for reading; 
in joy or sorrow, health or illness. 
~ Holbrook Jackson~ 

Robert Jackson

Freedom to differ is not limited to things 
that do not matter much. 
That would be a mere shadow of freedom. 
The test of its substance is the right to differ 
as to things that touch the heart of the existing order. 
~Robert Jackson~ 

Thomas J. Jackson

The patriot volunteer, 
fighting for country and his rights, 
makes the most reliable soldier on earth.
~Thomas J. Jackson~

William James

Act as if what you do makes a difference.
It does.
~William James~

Common sense and a sense of humor
are the same thing,
moving at different speeds.
A sense of humor is just common sense, dancing.
~William James~

Need and struggle are what
excite and inspire us.
~William James~

The greatest discovery of my generation 
is that human beings can alter their lives 
by altering their attitudes of mind. 
~William James~ 


I didn't ask for it to be over.
But then again I didn't ask for it to begin.
For that's the way it is with life,
as some of the most beautiful days
come completely by chance.
But even the most beautiful days
eventually have their sunset.

Thomas Jefferson

In matters of style,
swim with the current;
in matters of principle,
stand like a rock.
~Thomas Jefferson~

The man who fears no truth
has nothing to fear from lies.
~Thomas Jefferson~

The happiest moments
of my life have been the few
which I have passed at home
in the bosom of my family.
~Thomas Jefferson~

If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, 
in a state of civilization, 
it expects what never was and never will be... 
[The People] are the ultimate, guardians of their own liberty. 
~Thomas Jefferson~

When angry, 
count to ten before you speak; 
if very angry, a hundred. 
~Thomas Jefferson~

No occupation is so delightful to me as
the culture of the earth,
no culture comparable to that of the garden ...
But though an old man,
I am but a young gardener.
~ Thomas Jefferson~

Determine never to be idle.
No person will have occasion
to complain of the want of time
who never loses any. It is wonderful
how much may be done
if we are always doing.
~Thomas Jefferson~

Sarah Orne Jewett

Yes'm, old friends is always best,
'less you can catch a new one
that's fit to make an old one out of.
~Sarah Orne Jewett~

Tact is, after all, 
a kind of mind reading. 
~Sarah Orne Jewett~ 

Joan of Arc

I know this now. 
Every man gives his life for what he believes. 
Every woman gives her life for what she believes. 
Sometimes people believe in little or nothing 
yet they give their lives to that little or nothing. 
One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it.  And then it is gone. 
But to sacrifice what you are and live without belief, 
that's more terrible than dying. 
~Joan of Arc~ 

Pope John XXIII

Consult not your fears 
but your hopes and your dreams. 
Think not about your frustrations, 
but about your unfulfilled potential. 
Concern yourself not with what you tried 
and failed in, but with what it is still 
possible for you to do. 
~Pope John XXIII~ 

Saint Adela Rogers Johns

Joy seems to me a step beyond happiness -- 
happiness is a sort of atmosphere you can 
live in sometimes, when you're lucky. 
Joy is a light that fills you with hope 
and faith and love. 
~Saint Adela Rogers Johns~


Live by what you believe so fully that your life blossoms,
or else purge the fear-and-guilt producing beliefs
from your life. When people believe one thing and
do something else, they are inviting misery.
If you give yourself the name,
play the game.
When you believe something you don't
follow with your heart, intellect, and body,
it hurts. Don't do that to yourself.
Live your belief,
or let that belief go.
If you are not actively living a belief,
it's not really your belief, anyway.

When you are in a state of nonacceptance,
it's difficult to learn.
A clenched fist cannot receive a gift,
and a clenched psyche grasped tightly
against the reality of what must not
be accepted cannot easily receive a lesson.

Lady Bird Johnson

Become so wrapped up in something
that you forget to be afraid.
~Lady Bird Johnson~

Gerald W. Johnson

No man was ever endowed with a right without being 
at the same time saddled with a responsibility. 
~Gerald W. Johnson~

Samuel Johnson

Hope is itself a species of happiness,
and, perhaps, the chief happiness
which this world affords.
~Samuel Johnson~

It matters not how a man dies,
but how he lives.
The act of dying is not of importance,
it lasts so short a time.
~Samuel Johnson~

If your determination is fixed,
I do not counsel you to despair.
Few things are impossible
to diligence and skill.
Great works are performed
not by strength, but perseverance.
~Samuel Johnson~

It would add much to human happiness,
if an art could be taught of forgetting
all of which the remembrance is at once
useless and afflictive...
that the mind might perform its functions
without encumbrance,
and the past might no longer encroach
upon the present.
~Samuel Johnson~

He is a benefactor of mankind
who contracts the great rules of life
into short sentences, that may be easily
impressed on the memory,
and so recur habitually to the mind.
~Samuel Johnson~

Whatever enlarges hope
will also exalt courage.
~Samuel Johnson~

The longer we live
the more we think
and the higher the value
we put on friendship and
tenderness towards parents and friends.
~Samuel Johnson~

To cultivate kindness is
a valuable part of the business of life.
~Samuel Johnson~

Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless,
and knowledge without integrity is
dangerous and dreadful.
~Samuel Johnson~

Courage is the greatest of all virtues,
because if you haven't courage,
you may not have an opportunity
to use any of the others.
~Samuel Johnson~

Knowledge is of two kinds:
we know a subject ourselves,
or we know where we can
find information on it.
~Samuel Johnson~

Pleasure is very seldom found
where it is sought.
Our brightest blazes are commonly
kindled by unexpected sparks.
~Samuel Johnson~

In a man's letters his soul lies naked. 
~Samuel Johnson~

What is written without effort 
is in general read without pleasure. 
~Samuel Johnson~ 

Charles "Tremendous" Jones

You are the same today 
that you are going to be 
in five years from now 
except for two things: 
the people with whom you associate 
and the books you read. 
~Charles "Tremendous" Jones~ 

James Earl Jones

When I read great literature, 
great drama, speeches, or sermons, 
I feel that the human mind has not achieved 
anything greater than the ability to share feelings 
and thoughts through language. 
~James Earl Jones~ 

Erica Jong

Advice is what we ask for 
when we already know the answer 
but wish we didn't. 
~Erica Jong~ 

Janis Joplin

Don't compromise yourself. 
You are all you've got. 
~Janis Joplin~ 

David Starr Jordan

Wisdom is knowing what to do next,
skill is knowing how to do it,
and virtue is doing it.
~David Starr Jordan~

Michael Jordan

I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. 
I have lost almost 300 games. 
On 26 occasions I have been entrusted 
to take the game winning shot...And I missed. 
And I have failed over and over and over again in my life. 
And that is precisely...Why I succeed. 
~Michael Jordan~

Tenneva Jordan

A mother is a person
who seeing there are only four pieces of pie
for five people, promptly announces
she never did care for pie.
~Tenneva Jordan~

Joseph Joubert

The aim of an argument or discussion 
should not be victory, but progress. 
~Joseph Joubert~ 

Carl Gustav Jung

The word "happiness" would lose its meaning
if it were not balanced by sadness.
~Carl Gustav Jung~

Your vision will become clear only
when you look into your heart.
Who looks outside, dreams.
Who looks inside, awakens.
~Carl Gustav Jung~

One looks back
with appreciation
to the brilliant teachers,
but with gratitude to those
who touched our human feelings.
The curriculum is so much
necessary raw material,
but warmth is the vital element
for the growing plant and
for the soul of the child.
~Carl Gustav Jung~

As far as we can discern,
the sole purpose of human
existence is to kindle a light
in the darkness of mere being.
~Carl Gustav Jung~

Everything that irritates us about others
can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
~Carl Gustav Jung~

Outward circumstances are no substitute
for inner experience.
~Carl Gustav Jung~

Man needs difficulties;
they are necessary for health.
~Carl Gustav Jung~

Where love reigns there is no will to power;
and where the will to power is paramount,
love is lacking.
The one is but the shadow of the other.
~Carl Gustav Jung~

If there is anything we wish to change in the child, 
we should first examine it and see whether 
it is not something that could better be changed 
in ourselves. 
~Carl Gustav Jung~

song playing....As Tears Go By


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