Have you ever wondered?

By Denise Daniels

Have you ever wondered how it would be?
To live in a land, where people aren't free?
Where the decisions made are never your own,
Rules are dictated, even in your home.
Freedom would be only a word.
Never spoken, never heard.
Have you ever wondered about the men?
Who fought for us, protecting our land?
Husbands, sons, friends, fathers and brothers.
Fighting not for themselves, but freedom of others.
How self less and brave these men must be,
Away from their families, living at sea.
Have you ever wondered if they were lonely?
Wishing and longing for their one and only.
Or are you like most, never giving a thought,
To the men who died, those who fought?
Giving all they had and so much more,
Waiting for the day they'd return to shore.
Doesn't it seem a lesson to learn?
How to give unselfishly, asking nothing in return.
Do you take for granted the life that you live?
Or are you truly grateful for all they did?
When you get down on your knees at night,
Do you remember the men who gave you that right?
Think of these things and as they sink in,
Think how it would be, if not for these men.

For the men of the Harlan R. Dickson –
Including my father – G. Wayne Agee, 1963-64
Denise Daniels ©


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