The Ten Commandments of Christmas

By Debra Coe

1. Thou shalt not put any other holiday traditions or celebrations (not even Santa Claus) above the celebration of our Savior's birth and the deep meaning of His life, teachings, and sacrifices.

2. Thou shalt look at thy life and make at least one positive change as your gift to the Savior at His birthday celebration.

3. Thou shalt have many traditions, especially those types of traditions that remind you of the Savior, give service to others, and bring your family closer together. 

4. Thou shalt remember those who are alone and help them to have a "Merry Christmas" also.

5. Thou shalt give gifts of worth and not merely add to another's collection of clutter simply for the sake of "giving a gift". Give of your self which is the way Savior gave.

6. Thou shalt value the effort and thought put into gifts received. Just as with the widow's mite, it is the meaning that gives a gift value not the dollar amount paid.

7. Thou shalt give no gift grudgingly or because you have to. This does not mean to not give the gift to someone, but work until you have changed your own attitude.

8. Thou shalt not become so busy that you don't have time to really enjoy the season.

9. Thou shalt remember that of all the beautiful and expensive gifts, what children want and need most is honor, respect, love, and your time.

10. Above all, Thou shalt find a way to keep the spirit of the Christmas season and of giving all through the year.


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