Anywhere, Anytime

By O.W. (Smokey) Cleveland

Anywhere, Anytime
God has a way of directing our lives.
In the Navy Hospital Corps, his love surely thrives.

I don't know why we were chosen for the medical field.
But, God's reasons were soon revealed.

Compassion and strength that we never knew we possessed,
Was given to us by God, so the way to heal could be accessed.

He chose both men and women to serve,
Then gave us what it takes and a lot of nerve.

The Navy Corpsman can express his innermost feelings,
Like when he holds a sick baby in his arms and his love is so

Where does the courage come from, a Corpsman will never boast.
He will never back down when his comrades need him the most.

The Navy Corpsman does not fear the mud and the grime.
He is ready to go Anywhere, Anytime.

How can he charge into adversity and face certain death ?
With nothing but his-unit one and a prayer on his breath.

A Corpsman's responsibility is great, but his charges he will
protect. He will look after the sick and dying and never neglect.

When he is finally alone and there is no one to know,
The tears in his eyes will finally show.

What is on the Corpsman's mind is between him and his God.
It will never be revealed, no matter where on earth he will

On judgment day, God will probably say, Corpsman Up! your
place has been reserved. For all the deeds you did while on earth, your heavenly reward is well deserved.


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