Leo Buscaglia believed that in a loving relationship...."What is important is not so much what the definition includes, but that it is defined in our mind and agreed upon by the individuals forming the relationship. For some, a relationship will require total honesty, trust and commitment. For others a less restrictive involvement will be essential. It would be well to think about the constellation of possibilities suggested when we say 'Come into my life. I love you.'" Dr. Buscaglia asked, "What is a loving relationship?" He published the following responses in his book, Loving Each Other....

A loving relationship is....

A loving relationship is a choice partnership. Loving someone in which even imperfection is seen as possibility and, therefore, a thing of beauty; where discovery, struggle and acceptance are the basis of continued growth and wonderment.

A loving relationship is one in which individuals trust each other enough to become vulnerable, secure that the other person won't take advantage. It neither exploits nor takes the other for granted. It involves much communication, much sharing, and much tenderness.

A loving relationship is one in which one can be open and honest with one another without the fear of being judged. It's being secure in the knowledge that you are each other's best friend and no matter what happens you will stand by one another.

A loving relationship is one in which the individuals involved grow in their understanding and loving acceptance of each other's differences and encourages each person to reach out and share as much beauty and love as is possible to find.

A loving relationship is one in which you accept the other person at the moment as a whole and receive that same acceptance.

A loving relationship is one in which the distinctions of personal rights, possessions, thoughts, emotions and even actions become blurred, and it doesn't matter, because we share as much as is humanly possible with the same ultimate goals.

A loving relationship is a mystical, yet concrete, dynamic experience, fluid, an end in itself rather than being a means to some end, where there are no expectations of the other, yet a deep appreciation of the relationship because of its intrinsic value, its possibilities, its wonder and its truth as it is experienced with the other.

A loving relationship is one in which there is a mutual caring about the growth and progress of each, where possessiveness gives way to offering the other to be his/her own person, where selfishness gives way to selfless giving, sharing and caring, where the lines of communication are kept open, where the good in each is maximized, the bad minimized.

A loving relationship is one in which each person fearlessly allows a deep awareness, knowledge of the other, and sensitivity, to grow between them, with the understanding that no one is perfect, but that love is perfect, and therefore, as the basic tool for relating, can solve all problems.

A loving relationship is the unconditional acceptance of another person. Helping him or her to attain personal goals, to grow and encouraging that growth. Each sees the other as a friend who can be trusted, depended upon and enjoyed.

A loving relationship is one which offers comfort in the silent presence of another with whom you know, through words or body language, you share mutual trust, honesty, admiration, devotion, and that special thrill of happiness simply in being together.

A loving relationship is one of trust and acceptance which creates a tender warm feeling of security and contentment. It offers unlimited support and strength upon which one can always draw.

A loving relationship is an undemanding exchange of affection and concern, rooted in total honesty and continuing communication without exploitation.

A loving relationship is not defined by length of time, but rather by quality of caring. At its best, it is a healthy, mutual exchange of thoughts, feelings and experience. It is Home for one's soul -- a place to be ourselves and explore our deepest, inner yearnings, hopes, fears, and joys, without fear of condemnation, rejection, or being abandoned. It is an environment within which we can relax, are comforted, and gain the strength to fight the daily battle.

A loving relationship is one in which the loved one is free to be himself -- to laugh with me, but never at me; to cry with me, but never because of me; to love life, to love himself, to love being loved. Such a relationship is based upon freedom and can never grow in a jealous heart.

A loving relationship is one in which both parties feel so loved, so accepted and so safe that they can share their innermost feelings, dreams, failures, successes, without reservation. It is a give-and-take, two-way reciprocal interaction rooted in mutual respect and cloaked with dignity, where tears and smiles are of equal importance and one that continually nurtures and supports growth.

A loving relationship is like an ideal "home" -- within it you can totally be yourself, be accepted, understood, trusted and respected as a valuable being. It is a nurturing environment where effort is made to provide enough caring and security so that one can share hopes and fears and where one is encouraged to learn and grow.

A loving relationship is wanting to celebrate, communicate, and know another's heart and soul.

A loving relationship is being able to express feelings frankly and honestly with child-like spontaneous trust and openness. 

A loving relationship is one in which each one sees the beloved not as an extension of self but as a unique, forever becoming, beautiful individual -- a situation in which the persons can bring their own special I to each other, a blending of selves without the fear of loss of self.

A loving relationship is a reciprocal, active, changing bond that allows, encourages, in fact, almost demands using all the qualities necessary so that the lover will be all that he or she can be.


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